How do I add money to my trading account using a cheque?

How do I add money to my trading account using a cheque?

You can add money to your trading account by drawing a cheque and depositing it at your nearest bank branch. However, we recommend online transfer as it is easier and faster.

Our account details are as follows:

When transferring money to your Equity Account, please write ‘Swastika Investmart Ltd’ as the payee and include our account number on the back of the cheque.

You will also need to submit a scanned copy of the cheque or a debited bank statement that includes the account number.

Alternatively, you can courier or post the cheque to our head office, and we will add the funds to your trading account once the cheque is cleared. You can also send the details to your Relationship Manager (RM), who will proceed further. Our head office address is:

Swastika Investmart Ltd
48, Jaora Compound, M.Y.H. Road,
Indore - 452 001

There are no additional charges for adding money to your trading account using a cheque. The added funds will reflect in your trading account within 3 to 5 working days.

A charge of ₹150 will be levied in case the cheque bounces. The cheque must be drawn from your registered bank account.