NAV is the per-unit price of a mutual fund scheme, calculated as the total value of assets minus liabilities divided by the number of outstanding units. It changes daily based on market fluctuations.
The portfolios in Wealth Bags are curated to meet investment needs by utilizing a portfolio management approach. This involves carefully selecting and managing a mix of stocks to achieve investment goals and cater to diverse investor preferences.
Direct Plan: Investors buy mutual funds directly from the fund house, avoiding distributor commissions and resulting in lower costs and higher returns. Regular Plan: Investors buy mutual funds through brokers or distributors, leading to slightly ...
To download Swastika's mobile trading app, you can follow these steps: • Open the Google Play Store or Apple App Store on your mobile device or click on the link below: Play Store: ...
Yes, you can easily open a trading account with Swastika by linking your existing demat account. However, we recommend opening a new DEMAT account with Swastika to ensure a seamless and paperless online investment experience. If you use a demat ...
Yes, there is a limit of funds that you can transfer to your trading account. Platform Minimum Limit Maximum Limit UPI Rs. 1 Rs. 1 lakh Net Banking Rs. 50 No limit